As a data professional, you certainly have seen firsthand the allure of shiny new technologies and the temptation to jump on the latest and greatest trends in the industry. But as appealing as it may be to chase the latest buzz, it’s important to remember that technology is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to effectively leveraging your data. That’s why we decided to create a blue print for a data strategy — a document that provides key elements, next to technology, of a data strategy as accepted industry best practices. This blue print data strategy offers business leaders, data experts, and IT professionals best practices in an easy-to-understand format that guides the design and the implementation of your data strategy. It is meant to be the skeleton to design and implement your own data strategy. It’s not just the technology that matters, but the people and culture, the processes and a governance framework, partnerships, and strategies that come together to create success. By following this blue print, you can design and implement your own customized data strategy and ensure that you’re making the most of your data and driving results that truly matter to your business.