
Data management

The need for effective data management capabilities is growing. As a key resource, high-quality data enables digitization initiatives, helps to improve business process efficiency and reduces compliance risks. To achieve these objectives, data needs to be managed like a true strategic asset. For most firms, this requires a mindset change and organizational transformation. Trefoil can provide valuable support on both of these fronts. Our data management consulting advises leading firms on their journey towards a truly data-driven company.     


Data Operations

The DataOps is the activity of designing, implementing and maintaining a data architecture. It is a collaborative data management practice focused on improving the communication, integration, and automation of data flows between data owners and data consumers across an organization. Our data engineering consulting team helps leading firms set up and implement their DataOps capabilities.



Analytics & AI

Analytics & AI at scale is in its infancy. Few businesses are doing it, and even fewer are doing it well—meaning it’s an opportunity for your businesses to set themselves apart and get ahead in the race to AI. Trefoil’s team can help you to scale your Analytics & AI plans by creating the right operating and governance models and demonstrates them by choosing and executing the right show cases.  Our Analytics & AI consulting advises leading firms on their journey towards Analytics at Enterprise scale. 


Data Monetisation

When organizations fail to solidify the link between data and business strategy, they may also fail to understand data’s true worth. This oversight can result in an organization having zero basis for prioritization and an inability to determine which data they can or cannot function without. Our business analytics consulting helps leading firms to clarify data link to the business strategy and key objectives and gets true business support (funding, resources and executive sponsorship).



Who is trefoil Analytics

Introducing our innovative consultancy, where data management expertise meets AI excellence. With over 15 years of experience in data, analytics, and AI, we’ve witnessed the challenges of managing and unlocking data from its source to its final consumer. To overcome these hurdles, we’ve developed customized data management frameworks, processes, and personas, executing them across various technologies.

Recognizing the need for efficiency, we’ve invented a series of AI-based accelerators powered by LLMs (GPT-4, …) to streamline the process. These accelerators include golden data source identification, business and technical metadata extraction, metadata mapping, business rules extraction from data engineering pipelines, structured data profiling, automatic data quality checks, data quality issue resolution, and table categorization.

Our approach embraces the golden triangle of People, Process, and Technology, and we’re committed to helping you establish a successful data management framework rooted in this principle. Added to this pragmatic approach, we leverage our cutting-edge solutions with the generative AI added-value. 

Our objective is ensure that the right data is always available and easily accessible, and achieve the best ROI for your data teams.

Experience the future of data consultancy with us.



Our team helps to formulate your data strategy, build the needed capabilities, get started with a lighthouse project, choose and implement the right technologies and define the process to build your data foundation and generate value. We don’t need to start from the beginning of your project, we can jump in anytime you need our support.

People and organization

we build tailored people and organization solutions to help our clients achieve their strategic ambitions – reflecting their uniqueness but also grounded in rigorous analysis and data-driven insight – to create lasting, differentiated value.​

Process optimization

Business and IT processes are becoming increasingly complex. Your infrastructure has “grown”, your employees are getting new positions or leaving the company, your customers are more demanding and your tools are no longer in line with the way you do business today. You need flexibility and agility. Our teams helps you align your strategy and objectives, your processes and your resources.

Technology agnostic

While we have worked and partnered with numerous technology vendors over the years, including the best-known (AWS, Azure and Google Cloud ) public cloud vendors, our solutions are always first and foremost based on your individual organization’s needs. When necessary, we will recommend only the best tools to meet your requirements.

Trefoil Products

Trefoil introduces two AI powered data management products MetaSense and MetaClean. MetaSense is an intelligent metadata management product based on an open standard for metadata the consists of a set of intelligent AI patterns, accelerators and pre-built code that can be used to help you extract your metadata, make sense of it, and automate your core data management and governance processes (don’t forget, metadata is the key for data management). MetaClean is an AI based software solution for building deployable data quality cleaning workflows. Metaclean addresses the “holistic cleaning” problem well from a modelling and representation point of view, allowing among others the automatic detection of DQ rules; their violation and their repairs. Metaclean also has module to translate whatever it find in the physical databases to business rules and recommendations.



About the COMPANY's Name

At Trefoil Analytics, our company name holds significant meaning as it represents our core principles and beliefs. The term “trefoil” in mathematics symbolizes the simplest non-trivial knot, reflecting our commitment to simplicity without sacrificing the depth and quality of our solutions. 

Moreover, the trefoil knot is uniquely characterized by its three crossings, symbolizing the Golden Triangle: People, Process, and Technology. We firmly believe that every organizational solution must take into account these three critical dimensions to achieve lasting success. By choosing the name Trefoil Analytics, we emphasize our dedication to finding the perfect balance between these crucial elements, ensuring that our consulting services effectively address the complex challenges faced by modern businesses.
