Trefoil Academy
DIGITAL Transformation Masterclass

DIGITAL TRANsformation masterclass

Dr. Hicham Zmarrou:  Head of Trefoil Academy

Cecilie Martinsen: Head of Governance and Data Quality Management 

Jesper Doucet: Head of Data Architecture and Data Life Cycle. 

Digital is reshaping how we live, work, and play. Leading organizations today are reinventing their core business while reimagining how they can transform their digital platform, culture, and approach to achieve their business outcomes.

Realizing the benefits of digital transformation requires business leaders to look beyond technology. They need to reimagine existing business models and embrace different ways of bringing together people, data, processes, and technology to create value for customers and maintain a competitive advantage for their organizations.

How can a business navigate this type of transformation? And how can technology and data help?  

We are extremely pleased to be invited to discuss these topics and propose how we would work with your organization to help increase digital awareness among its leadership through a two-day workshop. The purpose of this two-day workshop is to give leaders the inspiration and space they need to develop clarity around their vision for their business transformation journey.  We’ll explain digitalization, digital mastery, and how to drive digital transformation.


The Executive Digital Transformation Lab is the centrepiece of Google’s leadership programme to make digital transformation accessible, actionable and human.

  • The programme equips leaders like you to support employees to drive transformation, providing the tools, processes and direction needed
  • In the 2-day Lab, you will work with the rest of your leadership team on your key challenges across the 5 transformation themes
  • You will develop a joint vision, immediate actions and a transformation narrative to start to energise your employees
  • You then have 3 months to complete Kickstart Projects, before using the learnings from these to develop a narrative about the future of your organisation 
  • Once your narrative is complete, you receive a day of first-class coaching to help you tell your new story with confidence, clarity and charisma


The Trefoil Academy

  • Two days digital transformation workshop 
  • Work with the rest of your leadership team on your key challenges across a number of transformation themes.
  • Develop a joint vision, immediate actions, and a transformation narrative to start energizing your employees.  
  • Work on concrete inspiring ideas for kickstart projects that can be implemented in each respective function
  • Insights from industry experts

After the workshop you’ll be able to

  • Start the digital transformation journey that your business needs
  • Begin your 4 Kickstart Projects to start tackling transformation issues
  • Feel more comfortable with uncertainty and the inevitable failures you will experience on the journey
  • Know the levels of commitment, perspiration, and inspiration that go into creating true transformation

You’ll come away with

  • A set of agreed Kickstart projects, directly linked to the strategy of your business, to run which will generate the knowledge you need to create an inspirational transformation narrative. Think of projects related to customer experience, operational excellence of data, technology, and automation.
  • A vision on how those experiments amount to transformation milestones
  • A leadership story that engages the people working with/for you
  • An understanding of what a transformation partnership could look like
  • Frameworks, processes, and exercises to unlock a more transformative way of working

Kickstart Projects

By the end of the 2 days, you will have identified 4 experiments you can get started on right away. There will be 1 project for each of the following pillars of transformation:

  • Customer Centricity
  • Technology, Data and Automation
  • Culture of Innovation
  • Operational Excellence

Take automation and digitalization to the next level by using prescriptive models to automate decisions. The fifth pillar, Vision, and Leadership is an ongoing project applied to all Kickstart Projects.

These projects are not about short-term ROI, they are about discovering business transformation opportunities for the long-term and explaining the importance of learnings in situations of uncertainty and ambiguity that surround digital transformation projects. 

Kickstart Projects are inexpensive, carried out quickly and quietly by small teams and get from brief to result quickly – in 3 months max.

Types of projects vary widely depending on the business. Examples include:

  • Culture of Innovation: Setting up a platform where employees nominate colleagues for a financial reward for collaborating on silo-busting projects.
  • Technology, Data, and Automation: Using Cloud Cognitive Services AI to run a machine learning experiment to identify faulty components in one part of a single factory or translate a big bucket of documents.
  • Operational Excellence: Using data and AI to predict the downtime of an operational system and anticipate or delay its maintenance.


Hicham Zmarrou

Cecilie Martinsen