
The most common complaint from our customers is that they are confused by the ever growing interest in data and analytics. What is the state of my own situation compared with other similar companies, what are the industry best practices? What is a data strategy and how it is related to my own business strategy? What do I need to execute this strategy? How a data strategy is related to automation, digitalization, and artificial intelligence? 

Trefoil Analytics has been helping customers across all verticals to answer these questions and help formulate a strategy and an execution plan which will support the current businesses growing data needs and last in to the future.

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consulting, training, learn


We find there is typically a gap between the strategic leaders, the Enterprise Architects from one side and the developers from the other side, between a plan and the implementation. 80% of data projects fail, and we are on a mission to stop this.

We offer a service where we will come and work with your development teams, strategic leaders and  architects to understand the solution you’re building and help map that in to development tasks. We will then help the team solve the on-going hard problems.

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A gap in employee skills is the biggest challenge that our customers face when growing in data maturity. To overcome this, We offer  what we call “applied” training. We have all seen training where the trainer has been trained to deliver a course. That is not what we do. Our courses are delivered by our consultants who not only use the knowledge and the  technology they are talking about, but they are recognised as a leader in their industry.

Our team and our partners are recognised for creating and delivering fantastic content in a simple and approachable manner. We have a variety of training courses covering the entire data spectrum.

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